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The Landmark Kitchen Story

Kitchen Story

Planning and redesigning for superb results
At the Landmark Hotel we took a step back and had a long look at our food. We decided that it was something we wanted to give special attention to and we knew that this was going to take planning, thought and time. We spent over a year gathering together a team, both Irish and international, who would have the credentials to transform our kitchen. Those credentials included a wide variety of experience and expertise and a passion for excellence no matter the plate or the occasion. Above all a desire to cook well with the best ingredients, sourced locally where possible, was paramount. We did not rush the process and we gave our emerging team time to source what they needed and find their direction. The results have been stunning.

Taste Leitrim
Leitrim is becoming increasingly known as a culinary destination with the Taste Leitrim movement gathering momentum and experiential dining choices drawing people to explore the restaurants, cafes and bars of the county. The Landmark Hotel is very much to the fore in this idea. It has never been one to allow perceived constraints of location or size to restrict its ambitions. The future of food in Leitrim is definitely gearing up to exceed expectations and attract many new visitors!